My Music
Guitar Gear
Studio Gear
Contact Info

You made it to my music page, booyah!! I've tried to list as much variety in music that is possible for you. If there is a style or sound of music that is not listed, you can contact me here, I'm an email away. Please state exactly what you are looking for and I'll look through my music library to find a match to your desription as close as is possible. I have a large music library of ideas that would be difficult to list them all here on my website.

All my songs are written, produced, performed, and engineered by me, Kenn Distin. Each song listed is under copyright and is registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. After review of any of my songs, if you would like to take a moment to add your opinion to my small Song Feedback questionaire or to leave a message in my Guestbook, I would be thrilled to hear from you. Your opinion is important to me.

    I've added links to my songs geared for dial-up users. Please use the "LoFi" links for your best results, due to the limitation of your downloadable bandwith.

    Also you should be informed that the "LoFi" links are of extreme low quality due to the bit rate that must be used. The songs streamed in this low quality, is in no way a true representation of  the actual recording.


Easy Listening/Acoustic

HiFi Quality Streaming Audio Button
LoFi Quality Streaming Audio Button


Blue Divider Bar 

Light Rock                   

HiFi Quality Streaming Audio Button
LoFi Quality Streaming Audio Button


Blue Divider Bar 


Song Feedback


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               Send all questions about my music to management@kenndistin.com

                Any web related issues please contact webadmin@kenndistin.com
